تحويل ترميز المنتدى ل utf 8

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حاولت اطبق الشرح الموجود ف الموضوع الاتي لتحويل الترميز ل utf 8


عندما احاول فتح المنتدى تظهر الرساله الاتيه

vBulletin datastore error caused by one or more of the following:
You may have uploaded vBulletin 3.6 files without also running the vBulletin upgrade script. If you have not run the upgrade script, do so now.
The datastore cache may have been corrupted. Run Rebuild Bitfields from tools.php, which you can upload from the do_not_upload folder of the vBulletin package.

Fatal User Error: vBulletin datastore cache incomplete or corrupt in ..../includes/init.php on line 254

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